Tomoco Kawaguchi
2020.02 - 2020.03

(Updated 16/03/2020) Matsudo City has taken measures to cancel city-sponsored events until the end of March to prevent infectious diseases. link: Matsudo City announcement “Pneumonia associated with COVID-19”.
PARADISE AIR, the artist-in-residence, will continue to accept artists to stay in private rooms and support them in the production of their artworks. As for the presentation of artworks by artists in the city, we will consider how to implement this in consideration of the situation and in liaison with the various organisations in Matsudo City.
The following events were organised as necessary for the creation of the work and to deepen the understanding of the work within the parties involved, but the reception of public and audience participation has been cancelled.
Director Tomoco Kawaguchi is working on a contemporary punk opera performance of Sarah Kane’s last work, 4.48 PSYCHOSIS. In this mini live performance, the music was tested and an open rehearsal was held to introduce the thoughts behind the creation of the piece, ahead of the main performance of 4.48 PSYCHOSIS scheduled for Tokyo and Kitakyushu in March 2020 and in the UK in May 2020.
●4.48 PSYCHOSIS Mini-Live
Day 1: Tuesday, February 25th, 18:30 doors open 19:00 start
Day 2: Sunday, March 8th, 15:30 doors open 16:00
Venue: PARADISE AIR Lounge
Address: Hamatomo Building 5F, 15-4 Honmachi, Matsudo
●Details of this performance
Contemporary punk opera
【Support tickets】
Peatix sales period: On sale – 30 Mar (Mon)
Notification of video URL: 31 Mar (Tue)
Video viewing period: 31 Mar (Tue) – 7 Apr (Tue)
【Tokyo performance】
Date: 21 (Sat) – 23 (Mon) March 2020
Venue: space EDGE (Shibuya) ACCESS
【Kitakyushu tour】
Date: 27 (Fri) – 28 (Sat) March 2020
Venue: Edamitsu Honmachi Iron Theatre ACCESS
【UK tour】
Date: May 2020
Venue: London, Hebden Bridge