LONGSTAY Program 2022-23 Open Screening

The artist-in-residence program “PARADISE AIR” invites artists from all over the world and supports their residency in Matsudo. Artists invited to participate in the LONGSTAY Program will spend three months in Matsudo and report on the final results of their residency, bringing many new perspectives and issues to the city in the process.
This year’s call for entries received 921 applications (approximately 1100 persons) from 112 countries and regions around the world.
We will hold a public screening on March 5 (Sun.) to select the invited artists from the 12 finalists, and invite you to come to the screening venue, which will be open to the public for the first time in four years, and witness the moment of the decision of the invited artists who will stay in Matsudo for three months from October.
LONGSTAY Program 2022-23 Open Screening
Date: Sunday, March 5, 2023
Time: 13:30-15:30
Place: PARADISE AIR Lounge
Address:5F Hamatomo Building, 15−4 Honcho, Matsudo-shi, Chiba
Admission: FreeJury (tentative / in alphabetical order)
Haruka Ueda (PARADISE AIR)
Takeshi Ebato (Hamatomo Shoji Co., Ltd.)
Erika Kobayashi (Writer/Artist)
Makoto Horio (Chairman of Matsudo Machizukuri Council)
Yuko Matsumoto (Matsudo City)
The flow of the LONGSTAY Program 2022-23
Preliminary Screening
Jury :
PARADISE AIR Coordinators
Arata Hasegawa (Independent Curator)
The second Screening
Date: February 14 9:00~12:00
Erika Kobayashi (Writer/Artist)
Arata Hasegawa (Independent curator)
Open Screening
Residency Period
October – December 2023
Details of the “LONGSTAY Program 2022-23” Open Call