LONGSTAY Program 2022-23 Selection Result

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The following three artists were selected from 921 applications received from 112 countries and regions around the world and will be invited to Japan in October this year for the LONGSTAY Program 2022-23.
Residency period: Early October to mid-December, 2023

  • Yuki Jungesblut
    Based in Berlin, Germany
  • Hand and Face (The artist unit by Hye jin Jueng and Jung a Kang)
    Based in Seoul, South Korea

This open call received the largest number of applications since PARADISE AIR began. We would like to thank once again all applicants and everyone who expressed interest.
*The SHORTSTAY Program (3-week residency program) opens its door for self-funded artists to stay at PARADISE AIR at any time. Hoping you consider this program as well. Program details: https://www.paradiseair.info/en/opencall/shortstay/2023en/

Introduction of  residency plan

  • Yuki Jungesblut
  • Hand and Face
