Rolling Motherland|Hand and Face

, 13:00〜17:00
Photo of the article

Hand and Face (Hyejin Jueng, Junga Kang) based in South Korea, creates artwork that values relationships through text, video, and performance. They research the various ways of interacting with the unique mother tongue of different countries and ethnic groups, and collect the callings and meanings of ‘Hometown’. <Rolling Motherland> is a participatory work in which multiethnic people with different mother tongues co-create images of ‘Hometown’.

<Rolling Motherland>

Date: Sunday, November 5th
Time: 13:00-17:00
※Each session is 30 minutes, with a total of 8 sessions. Up to 2 people can participate per session.

Participation: Free / Reservation required
Reservation Form:
Languages: Japanese, English, or your own language.

– Please follow the Artist’s instructions to enter.
– There may be some waiting time depending on the order of participation.
– The Works in the Workshop will be linked to the exhibition. Those who do not agree to participate in the exhibition are welcome to take your work home.


Artist’s Message

Where is your nostalgic ‘Hometown’?

We are creating a workshop that will take you back to your nostalgic land through sights, sounds, and memories. Tell us your story.

We are always strangers. We are always leaving the place where we live – It could be where we live now, or it could be someone’s village that we left. (I hope you have another, unexpected home.)

Let me ask you this: If you didn’t have Google Maps, what clues would you use to find your home? A home is a place you’ve always dreamed of, a heart you’ve loved, a time you’ve missed. Even if it’s gone now, the home you want to find is in your mind. So what do you rely on most to find your way home? No maps, of course – you rely on the weather, the smell of the air, and the scenes in your memory.

