Kenta Tanaka

2021.04.01 - 2021.05.29 / 2021.09.12 - 2021.11.30

Kenta Tanaka

Kenta Tanaka (°1993, Japan) is an urban composer, transdisciplinary sound artist, and guitarist. His work attempts to explore the possibilities of urban-themed compositions under the word “Urban Composition” by applying urban theories or phenomena in the fields of sound arts and experimental music. He focuses on demystifying the relationships between human beings and urban soundscapes through the approach of phenomenological listening. After completing his postgraduate in Sound Arts with European Postgraduate in Arts in Sound in Ghent, Belgium, he held “Urban Reminiscence—Sound, Object, and Rhythm” (2020), a sound installation recomposing memories of the city, at Sta., Tokyo. Recent works include Algorithmic Urban Composition for Linux Audio Conference at Listening Room CCRMA Stanford – the United States, Urban Rhythmability for Follow your rhythm at TOKYO Culture research – Japan.