Lee Daeil “Concert in a traditional Japanese house and report on the results of the stay”
, コンサート:15:00~ / 滞在成果報告:17:00~
古民家スタジオ 旧・原田米店

2013.11.01 - 2013.11.03
Meri Otoshi was born in Kyoto, Japan. At age three, she began studying classic dance in the Arima Ballet at the Kyoto School of Ballet. She is a graduate of Showa Academia Musicae, where she studied a wide range of dance, including classical, modern, and folkloric dance. She currently dances for street jazz clubs, special events, commercials, show clubs, etc. She has accompanied an innumerable number of actors, singers, visual artists, and musicians, she performs primarily in Kyoto and Osaka, and through her work she uses her body to explore dance free from concept.