Ryuzo Nakazato
2025.03.19 - 2025.03.19

I am interested in the friction that occurs at the boundaries of systems, and while creating films with the mindset of investigating the Earth, I summon untold stories through various media. The dream is to “one day invent a technology that will allow us to get along peacefully with extraterrestrials when they arrive, without fighting.”
Ryuzo Nakazato 《想像上の生き物を召喚するサウンドシステム》
Ryuzo Nakazato 《地球に片想い?》
Ryuzo Nakazato 《来たるべき風景の予感》
Ryuzo Nakazato 《渋谷の川のヌシを呼び覚ます儀式》
Ryuzo Nakazato 《へにゃへにゃな生き物たちの塗り絵》